The CIMAT CMT-300 impeller dynamic balancer is a measuring tool used to dynamically balance pump impellers. The machine usually consists of two rigid platforms, with suspension and upper bearings supporting the mounting platform. The machine is bolted to the base and rotated by belts, pneumatic drives or joint drives. As the part rotates, vibrations in the suspension are detected by sensors. And that information is used to determine the amount of imbalance in the department.
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The CIMAT CMT-300 impeller dynamic balancer is a measuring instrument used to dynamically balance pump impellers. The machine usually consists of two rigid platforms, with suspension and upper bearings supporting the mounting platform. The machine is bolted to the base and rotated by belts, pneumatic drives or joint drives. As the part rotates, vibrations in the suspension are detected by sensors. And that information is used to determine the amount of imbalance in the department. Along with phase information, the machine can determine how much and where mass needs to be added or subtracted to balance the part.